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Worship Service
Sundays 10:30am
Bible Study
Tuesdays 7:00pm

Who We Are
Who we are:
Community Minded
People focused
Centered around the word of God
Multicultural Ministry
Make prayer the common denominator. "Prayer is the heating pad for a congregation of love.”
Create an atmosphere of hospitality. “We shower them with warmth: hugs, smiles, and pats on the back. We give gifts and food as they leave.”
Study the culture of the community and the cultural nuances within the community.
Be involved and care for the people.
Respect and celebrate the differences of the cultures. “We create unity by how we see the diversity.”
Serve outside the walls of the church. The Gospels of Mark and Matthew instructs believers to “Go and make Disciples”. We are called to be a hands-on church seeking the unchurched with contemporary methods. We are much like modern-day
fisherman using new technologies.
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